Updated PCR Testing Guidelines

Подаємо найновіші усучаснині дороговкази CDC що до таборів і COVID 19. Просимо стежити за дальшими  новинами бо можуть бути додаткові зміни.

We are writing to let you know that Vovcha Tropa has been closely following the CDC guidelines and developing protocols for camp that maximize camper safety and experience. As a result, we are updating some of the requirements that we previously issued.

1. For fully vaccinated individuals, including campers, parents, bulava, or other staff, Vovcha Tropa will NOT require pre-camp covid PCR testing. Fully vaccinated individuals must have completed both vaccines 2 weeks prior to the start of camp (June 26, 2021). Proof of full vaccination will be required.

2. For unvaccinated individuals, including campers, parents, and staff, will require a PCR covid test within 72 hours prior to the start of camp. Any unvaccinated adult traveling to Vovcha with a camper also requires a PCR test within 72 hours of the start of camp.

3. All bulava are expected to be fully vaccinated 2 weeks prior to the start of camp. 

4. Guidelines for mask wearing rules, need for screening, need for testing in the case of exposure, and need for quarantine are more relaxed for vaccinated campers than for unvaccinated campers. We strongly recommend that all campers who are eligible undergo vaccination. The latest date to receive the first dose of a 2-dose vaccine in order to be fully vaccinated by the start of camp is this Saturday, June 5, 2021.Those between ages 12 and 18 can only receive the Pfizer vaccine. Those over the age of 18 can receive any of the offered vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson and Johnson). You can find a vaccination appointment near you by using the CDC website (https://www.vaccines.gov/search/) or contacting your child's pediatrician. 

As always, we request that families socially distance in the 2 weeks before the start of camp. 

Any and all of these requirements may change based on evolving guidance from federal and local health authorities. We will review all policies in the two weeks before the first day of camp to determine if any further updates are indicated or required. Any questions can be directed to Tania Huk at: tatianahuk@gmail.com


Весна на Вовчій Тропі


Питання про літні табори на оселі Вовчій Тропі під час пандемії